pledge for i am graffi

I AM GRAFFI: A Central Hub
for GRAFFI Pride & Graffi empowerment

Let’s pledge to be a part of the movement to awaken GRAFFI Pride, for Graffi empowerment, and a spirit of togetherness & smart work.  Promote  Graffi culture, fairness- Love for one another, being each other’s keeper,  diversity-  social inclusion, access to resources, build partnerships | strong families & a better future for our proud to be Graffi global family.
Founder of I AM GRAFFI

My Roots My Identity Quest Values!

I am Gabrielle Ufey and I am proud to be GRAFFI.

” To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan but also believe.” – Anatole France

The heart of the I AM GRAFFI Platform is to be a “place of becoming,” uniting children from diverse tribes across the Graffi land, a platform for Graffi empowerment where people can network and grow. Let’s pledge to be a part of the movement to awaken GRAFFI Pride, Graffi empowerment, and a spirit of togetherness and smart work.  Promote  Graffi culture, fairness- love for one another, being each other’s keeper,  diversity-  social inclusion, access to resources, build partnerships | strong families and a better future for our proud to be Graffi global family, where people can network, share resources, “pass them on”, and a place to spotlight the talents of the next generation of edgers.

In January of 2023,  I & my little sister – Gloria-Belle Memoh, got to learn from our mother Roseline Batcha (Ph.D.), that we come from a tribe of people called “GRAFFI” from Cameroon – Africa. GRAFFI  means “people from the grass fields”. I quickly asked my mom; does this mean  I AM GRAFFI  MY ROOT & MY IDENTITY?. She responded; you are GRAFFI and a  “GRAFFI Pikin”. This got me so excited and I immediately had a burden to teach my peers who know nothing about their roots and their identity. I also longed to have a platform where less privileged children, or people from my tribe & country and the world at large,  could go to for educational resources, learn about their culture, ceremonies, document their roots, find scholarships, build businesses, showcase arts & music, make use of AI, and most especially connect to their roots and be of service in their communities.


Village to Global & Global to Village, we are one big family!. 

I AM GRAFFI network & platform initiative saw the light of day when I & my mom responded to a burden impressed on our hearts for the Pride of GRAFFI. My uncle Stanley Batcha (Neih Sango) became the biggest Influencer of the cause to promote a young mind like mine and to stand for everything GRAFFI. He is proudly Graffi…


Mission & Vision

A Better World is Possible

We are a cutting-edge organization,  a central hub that unites children from diverse tribes across the Graffi land, serving as a nexus for cultural enlightenment and appreciation. We look to horn to our roots, connect, source for resources, sow time, & wisdom into the next Graffi Generation, Indigenous people & families hailing from the Grass fields of Cameroon, living in Africa, the US, and across the World. 


To be a central hub & resource platform that seeks to foster the well-being of the Graffi people and to keep the Graffi culture living. We aim at bringing a roster of diverse voices to pay it forward such that the next Generation connects to their roots, move away from limited beliefs, stereotypes, fences & barriers to living their full potential & becomes a force in their respective families, workplaces & communities.



Our vision is to establish a central hub that unites children from diverse tribes across the Graffi land, serving as a nexus for cultural enlightenment and appreciation. We are dedicated to fostering an environment that educates and celebrates the rich tapestry of Graffi cultures. With a primary emphasis on the children of Graffi land and those across the globe, we aim to provide a platform for them to congregate, learn, and joyously commemorate their unique cultural identities within the Graffi heritage. Through this initiative, we aspire to instill a profound sense of family, pride, respect, understanding, and smart work for the vibrant mosaic that defines the Graffi people, both within their homeland and worldwide.


Top Issues That I AM GRAFFI Prides In Or Considers Important

Document culture, Indigenous knowledge, & ignite passion for cultural ceremonies.

Bring a roster of diverse voices to the table to re-write the Graffi, African story.

Build leadership, enhance communication & resource abilities to reshape the future.

Empowerment through economic development initiatives.

Education & skills development.

Trailblazing social innovation

Sign up to volunteer today.

I AM GRAFFI can’t win without you on this global platform

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We count on your every support to launch & leverage the GRAFFI PRIDE

                Be Proudly GRAFFI


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I AM GRAFFI – Empowered Spirit –         Serving  Others into Greatness                                                |                                                           I AM GRAFFI: Building &                                 Strengthening Communities.                                                                                                                 Copyright 2023 ©I AM GRAFFI  ||       Powered by I AM GRAFFI.ORG         

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